Your individual care package will depend on the gestation which you are when we meet for your first consultation, and you decide to book me as your doula.
If you wish to use me just for the postnatal period, then your postnatal package will also include a free one hour consultation. This may be done before the birth (Around 37-41 weeks gestation) or immediately postnatal, whichever suits you best!
I will tailor each session based on what we have discussed during this appointment; areas which you feel you most need support in, most look forward to or are most nervous about.
Below you will see guides on what each package may look like...

Blossom Package - Antenatal Care Package
Blossom £400 (6.75 hours)
- 3x In person appointments of up to 1.5 hours.
- 3x Video call catch-ups of up to 45 minutes.
Birth partners, Parents, other children all welcome to be present and involved as creating a warm family environment where possible will aid a positive pregnancy and birth experience. Or, if you are going it alone, it would be my pleasure to be on this journey with you.
You'll also have 24/7 access to me via Whatsapp or Email up until your birth, as well as;
First face to face appointment;
- Reassurance and discussion about what your Midwifery care may look like and what to expect at these appointments.
- How to navigate the NHS
- Discussion about essentials such as access to free dental care, prescriptions, your diet, exercise and work.
- Useful questions to ask your midwife appointments.
Second face to face appointment;
- Birth plan and preparation for the birth.
- Fun birth plan game to help you think about what is most important to you within the unpredictability of birth.
- Breathing exercises and positive ideations.
- Your birth partner's role and how they can support you (great if birthing partners can be present!).
- Weight off the bump exercises to help you release pressure as your baby grows bigger.
- Birthing Bag packing checklist.
Third face to face appointment;
- Establishing labour techniques.
- Discussion around 'Induction of Labour (IOL)' (if applicable) and natural ways to try to 'beat' this.
- Spinning babies techniques.
- Pressure points.
- Complimentary; Your own individually blended aromatherapy massage oil.

Oak Package - Postnatal Care Package
Oak £450 (6 hours)
- 3x In person appointments of up to 1.5 hours.
- 2x Video call catch-ups of up to 45 minutes.
Birth partners, Parents, other children all welcome to be present and involved as creating a warm family environment where possible will aid a positive pregnancy and birth experience. Or, if you are going it alone, it would be my pleasure to be on this journey with you.
You'll also have 24/7 access to me via Whatsapp or Email up until 21 days postnatal, as well as;
We all know once you have a baby, the 'baby brain' kicks in stronger than ever; so these sessions are less structured.
I will be there to get a feel for what you may need and how best to support you, however that may look.
Some ideas follow;
- Birth Reflection
- Support with dressing your baby, layers of clothing, nappy changing and bathing
- Safe sleep
- Meal preparation so you have one less worry
- Supporting feeds, be that breast, expressed or formula
- Lactation Consultancy (Trained within a BFI Gold Standard Trust)
- Techniques for helping relax your baby
- Burping babies
- Caring for your baby or taking your baby for a walk so you may rest
- Support for your partner, either to rest themselves or where they might like to be more involved
- Pressure points foot massage to help relax you
- Support with buying or collecting anything you may need (such as muslins, baby grows, breast-pumps)

Intrapartum/Birth Plan - Stork Package
By consultation - From £870 (Payment options available).
Please contact me to arrange a one hour video call consultation (via Zoom or Facetime) to work together on how and when I can support you, and to discuss how payment works for this type of booking.
On call for your chosen date (this can be any point from 37 to 41 weeks) til 2 hours after your baby is born. Why have I chosen for you to pick when you'd like me to be on call for your birth? You know your body best. If this is your first baby, you might find things don't tend to start until closer or shortly after your due date. Lessening the pressure of 'people waiting for you to have a baby', will in turn help you labour. If you've had babies before, you may know you tend to go into labour at 38 weeks, therefore pick this date. Or, perhaps you have chosen a set day for birth or induction and you'd like me to support you from then.
Stork package will also include one home visit in the antenatal period, of up to 2 hours. This can include anything from; writing an individual birth plan, speaking through natural ways to bring on labour, answering questions or concerns you have so far, etc. As well as this, you’ll have one postnatal home visit between day 1-5 at home, also of up to 2 hours.
You'll also have 24/7 access to me via Whatsapp or Email from either;
- The start of your antenatal package (if you also book a birth package) until I am present with you for your birth and then up until day 5 postnatal.
- Your on call date (if this is your first package with me), until I am present with you for your birth and then up until day 5 postnatal.
Ways I may support you during this period include;
- Creating a relaxed, calm, and supportive environment
- Lighting, Aromatherapy, Birth environment (even hospital rooms can often be changed to create a more homely set up)
- Ensuring your birth wishes are actioned (Tone of voices, words used)
- Keeping number of people in the room to your preference/a minimum (unless of medical emergency)
- Helping create a strong relationship with your named Midwife for birth
- Liaising with the Midwifery team when you may not feel up to it
- Encouraging positive thoughts and affirmations
- Eating and Drinking
- Massage in Labour
- Support with exercise balls and peanut balls (as part of Spinning babies)
- Keeping in touch with your family where you'd like me to
- Taking photos or videos during labour and/or the birth
- Supporting your birth partners
- I am all about being here for you, however that might look
I also offer support for Planned or Elective Caesarean Births. You are more than welcome to contact me to discuss how this may look for you and what I offer. Elective Cesarean Birth;
4 hour set package - £200
6 hour set package - £275
No birth is daunting to me, having worked both holistically and as a High-Risk Midwife. I am happy to support a huge range of births, including Twin birth, Home birth, Birth Centre birth, Poolbirth, Vaginal Birth after Cesarean, Induced Birth, Cesarean-Section Birth and all things in between. I am dedicated to working my schedule around your hours, providing flexibility into the evenings, and weekends if this suits your family's schedules best. Please get in contact if you have any questions or would like to work with me to create a beautiful, wholesome birth package.